Post-Christmas Blog Update! | JustSylBeauty

December 26, 2012

Post-Christmas Blog Update!

Hi Ladies,
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas with your loved ones and enjoyed a little bit time off. I actually took two weeks of leave to spend some quality time with my family, that live in Poland. I definitely OVERate (if that word even exist :D ), so come January 2013 I am definitely starting more healthy lifestyle lol.

I wanted to apologize for lack of posts, but all I really wanted to do during that past week was to just really relax and recharge my batteries. The regular beauty posts will come back by the end of next week. I finally got the new camera, so I am thrilled to start new type of posts very soon, so stay tuned!!...:) 

If you are curious on how I am doing, check out my instagram account!
Have a lovely day,

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