Hair Care: Testing Almond Oil [ Update ] | JustSylBeauty

March 8, 2011

Hair Care: Testing Almond Oil [ Update ]

Hi Beauties!
I love watching all these beauty gurus on yt, and few days ago I've watched an video about how farahdhukai‬‏ takes care of her hair. In the end of the video, she's talking about how amazing almond oil works on hair. As a big fan of everything that's beauty natural, I ordered one bottle, and right now I'm sitting with my hair in ballerina bun, having this oil in my hair. I want to wait until tomorrow, and wash it, and see the results! I'm pretty excited about the effects!

Blow drying, hair colouring and hard combing strokes damage the cuticle covering of the hair, this causes the hair to be dry and frizzy which makes it rough and dull. Contains almond, sesame, coconut oil to soften, moisturize and condition to give hair silky softness and shine.
Almond; conditions to make hair soft
Coconut oil: penetrates hair to strengthen and thicken
Sesame: coats hair to give shine.
I will edit this post tomorrow with the review + result! Did u girls try this product before? How did it work?

Ok Loves, yesterday I applied almond oil on my ends and middle section, today I washed and used conditioner on my hair like usually. Do I feel any difference? Definitely my hair's softer, which I love, I can't stop touching it lol. I haven't noticed a big difference in shine, but hey I used this oil only once.

   We will see how it will work on hair, after a good few uses, but so far I really like it :) Low price and natural ingredients - it's always worth trying :)


  1. I haven't tried almond oil before, but I do use argan oil regularly. I really like the results I get from that, though I should try using it on dry hair and leaving it in overnight. I usually just run a little through my hair after I towel dry it. Maybe it would work even better if I did it the way you described here!

  2. yes exactly! with all oils that I've been using before, I was doing it just like you, with this I decided to give it all night to work, we shall see :)

  3. Can't wait to see what you think of it!

  4. I havnt tried this oil before, might give it a go as im starting to get dry ends from the shampoo I use :)

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  5. I love the combination of that and how you describe what those oils do. I'll try to check a product that's close to this, surely this one isn't available here in my country.

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  6. you look lovely :)

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